
Title: Adapt and Grow: How to Drive Revenue with Content for the Evolved Buyer's Journey
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Time: 2 PM ET/11 AM PT
Duration: 60 Minutes

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Today's business leaders are looking for marketing to achieve growth. Marketing leaders need to show balance between brand-building programs and performance marketing by setting a vision and determining the resource allocation between short-term revenue targets and long-term strategic value ROI. And yet, every day, we are getting asked to promote our products and services with an emphasis on getting a quality lead and not focused on the audiences we serve.

In order to bridge this gap, marketers are focused on demonstrating business value to executives by making customers the heroes of the stories they tell with clear connectivity to vision and the bottom line.  Brilliant marketing leaders know that by focusing on customer value, we deliver better outcomes for the entire business.

Join Televerde and our guest Michael Brenner, CEO of Marketing Insider Group, along with Deanna Ransom, Global Head of Marketing & Marketing Services at Televerde and 2020 B2B Innovator. They will show you how the future of marketing is about adapting to the changed landscape and evolved buyer’s journey with insight into mapping content to the new buyer’s journey and delivering results your executive team will value and the business will grow from.

You'll walk away with:

  • Insights for the landscape and buyer’s journey road ahead
  • How to map content to the new buyer's journey
  • How to prove that marketing is a strategic business growth contributor to revenue
  • Key takeaways for achieving the necessary adaptation and growth faster
Produced by:


Michael Brenner
CEO at Marketing Insider Group

Michael Brenner is former VP of Content & Digital Marketing at SAP, has been a CMO of multiple high-growth startups, is a top Content Marketing influencer, and he now runs a fast-growing content marketing agency, Marketing Insider Group. He is also the author of The Content Formula, and Mean People Suck.

Follow Michael on Twitter @BrennerMichael

Deanna Ransom
Global Head of Marketing and Marketing Services at Televerde

Deanna Ransom, a 2020 B2B Innovator Award winner is the Global Head of Marketing, Marketing Services and Chairman of Diversity & Inclusion at Televerde. With more than 25 years’ experience in marketing and sales, she has served as the Philadelphia Chapter President of the National Association Of Professional Women and has held a wide range of leadership roles with organizations like Clarivate Analytics, SAP, and Merck & Co., Inc. as well mid-size and start up organizations. She is a speaker, certified coach and mentor with the John Maxwell organization and has been interviewed or published in MarTech Cube, VentureBeat, Chief Content Officer, CIOReview, Demand Gen Report and Business Insider.

You can follow Deanna on Twitter @DeeRansom3

Stephanie Stahl
Managing Director at Content Marketing Institute

As General Manager of CMI, I lead the brand’s event and digital operations – and get to work with the best team on the planet! Previously, I served as VP of Content Marketing for UBM’s Technology portfolio, providing strategic guidance on content development, content optimization, audience engagement, and go-to-market platforms for our technology clients. I’ve worked for UBM, which is now owned by Informa, for more than two decades, helping shape new multimedia content and event offerings. I live in the Washington, DC area with my husband and we enjoy spending time taking care of our many pets and visiting our two daughters on their college campuses.

Follow Stephanie on Twitter @EditorStahl